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8 Swamp Flowers that Grow in Bogs and Marshes

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American Lotus

With its huge, distinctive seed heads and pale yellow blossoms, this one tops the list of swamp flowers. Its round, blue-green leaves rise above the water to produce a striking sight while in bloom

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Bog Bean

The gorgeous flower stalks that the bog bean develops float elegantly outside the water. This plant can be found flourishing on the edge of a body of water, displaying its white blossoms, in any moist region.

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Blue Flag Iris

a blue flag With its vivid flowers and light-green foliage, iris thrives nicely on Florida's marshes, meadows, and streambanks. Be aware that the substance found in its rhizomes, iridin, is poisonous to both people and animals.

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Bog Rosemary

Bog Rosemary is a tiny shrub with white to pink blossoms that resemble bells. Its dark green leaves curl at the edges and have a noticeable white underside. In the chilly,

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Common Cattail

Common cattails are found in North Carolina's marshes, where they grow well in fresh to slightly brackish waters. It produces fluffy flowers that are both male and female and have a distinctive brown spike that resembles a cigar.

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Marsh Marigold

Perennials of the buttercup family, marsh marigolds have kidney-shaped leaves and yellow blossoms that appear as one of the first signs of spring in temperate climates. Their blooms, which beautify marshes

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Pickerel Weed

Pickerel Weed is resistant to periodic flooding and can reach heights of up to 4 feet. This plant blooms lavender-blue flowers from summer to October. If you want to create a water garden

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Swamp Milkweed

Delicate clusters of light pink to purple blooms are produced by swamp milkweed. It is well known that these blossoms draw wildlife, particularly hummingbirds and butterflies.