The lily enjoys full sun but may grow in part sun to part shade. Hardiness zones 4 9 and wet, non-dry soil are ideal for it. All flowers are cat and dog poisonous.
It also attracts bees, butterflies, moths, and bats. In hardiness zones 4 9, evening primrose needs sunshine and well-draining soil.
They grow two to three feet tall and have a dozen or more flowers per stem. Remember that this one enjoys full sun and warmer climates. Tuberose survives USDA Zone 7 winters with protection.
In warmer regions, this perennial vine may be invasive, so cultivate it in pots. Moonflower thrives in full light and survives USDA Zones 10 12.
Impatiens like shade but may take early light. Before purchase, check the label to see whether impatiens can handle full sun. This low-maintenance night flower grows
Sweet alyssum likes light and well-drained, wet soil. This flower grows as an annual in USDA zones 5 9 and as a perennial in zones 9 11.
Lamb's Ear is a classic perennial with silvery, fluffy, and touchable leaves looking like a lamb's ear. Pollinators adore its midsummer bloom spikes. Lamb's ear prefers well-drained